Edgemate will not sell, loan, rent, barter or publish your personal information to a third party. All data that we keep on you is kept strictly fore the Edgemate to use to assist you in your current or future purchases or in analyzing sales trends by Edgemate.

Cookies and IP Numbers

Edgemate’s privacy policy shows our firm commitment to customer privacy. We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our Web site. Your IP address is used to help identify you and your shopping cart and to gather broad demographic information. Our site uses cookies to keep track of your shopping cart.

We use cookies for other purposes such as site personalization. You can reject cookies and still use the Edgemate site, however, it will disable the ability for the site to recognize your cart, your account and any personalization efforts.

External Links

This site contains links to other websites. Edgemate is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of any other websites.

Address Information

Our site uses an order form for customers to request information, product and services. We collect visitor’s contact information including but not limited to addresses, email addresses, phone numbers and financial information (account or credit card numbers). Contact information from an order is used to send orders, information about our company, and promotional material to customers. The customer’s contact information is also used to get in touch with the customer when necessary. User may opt-out of receiving future mailings. Information is gathered by Edgemate for the sole benefit of Edgemate.

Financial information that is collected by Edgemate is used to bill the user for products and services. Customer information is considered to be an asset of Edgemate.

Secure Transactions

You can enter your credit card number on a secure (https) form and transmit the form over the Internet to a secure server without risk of an intermediary obtaining your credit card information. The security features offered by your web browser technology protects commercial transaction, as well as all other communications, from misappropriation and fraud that could otherwise occur as information passes through Internet computers.

With SSL implemented on both the client and server, your Internet communications are transmitted in encrypted form. Information you send can be trusted to arrive privately and unaltered to the server you specify.

SSL uses authentication and encryption technology. The encryption established between you and a server remains valid over multiple connections, yet the effort expended to defeat the encryption of one message cannot be leveraged to defeat the next message. You browser and secure servers deliver server authentication using signed digital certificates issued by trusted third parties known as certificate authorities. A digital certificate verifies the connection between a server’s public key and the server’s identification. Cryptographic checks, using digital signatures, ensure that information within a certificate can be trusted.

You can tell when you have a secure connection by looking at the location (URL) field. If the URL begins with https:// (instead of http://), the document comes from a secure server. To connect to an HTTP server that provides security using the SSL protocol, insert the letter “s” so that the URL begins with https://. You need to use https:// for HTTP URL’s with SSL and http:// for HTTP URLs without SSL. You can also verify the security of a document by examining the security icon in the bottom-left corner of the browser window.

Only your computer and the servers can encrypt and decrypt your information. In transit information is an unreadable jumble. An intermediary can continue to route data, and even make copies of it, but the information cannot be decrypted and remains private and safely communicated.